We know that you probably have many questions for us, so to answer as many as we can here are some frequently asked questions.

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How many lessons do I have each day? 

You will have six lessons a day. The first lesson will last for 30 minutes and will be with your form. The next five lessons will all last for an hour each.

What if I don’t know where my next lesson is? What if I don’t know where my next lesson is? Do I get a map of the school?

Don’t worry about where your lessons are; there will always be a member of staff around to help you find your way and you will get a map of the school in your planner.


What subjects will I be taught?

You will have the following lessons each week in Year 7; English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, French/Spanish, PE, Music, Drama, RE, ICT, Art, Design Technology and PSCHE.

What will happen if I am late to school or late to lessons, will I be in trouble?

Punctuality and attendance are really important in helping you achieve at school. Senior Leadership will always be on the ‘purple line’ in the morning from 8.00am to welcome you into the academy with a smile and a good morning! If you are late in the morning it will be a 30-minute detention the following day. Don’t worry about being late to your lessons in the first week, you may get lost! The Senior Leadership Team and Pastoral Year Leaders will around in between lessons and they can help you find your way to lessons.


Can we bring a packed lunch?

Yes, you most certainly can bring a packed lunch. We have several children who have severe nut allergies which can present as potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. Therefore, please do not bring nuts of any form to the academy. Energy drinks and fizzy drinks are also prohibited from site.

Who do I speak to in school if I’m worried, nervous or have any other concerns?

All members of staff in school are here to help but in the first instance you should speak to your Year 7 Pastoral Year Leader (PYL), a member of the Senior Leadership Team or your Form Tutor. You can also go to Student Support for advice.

My child has special educational needs. How do I make sure Ossett Academy knows their needs?

If there are any extra detail that you wish to pass on to us about needs, then please contact us using the email address: send@ossett.accordmat.org and a member of our SEND team will then contact you directly.

How do I sort out uniform?

Academy branded / logo uniform (blazers, skirts, PE kit) can be purchased from the following retailer:

The Box 13 Towngate

Telephone: 01924 263030

Please note that a number of other retailers in the local area may try to sell unofficial Ossett Academy branded uniform. For further details please use the following link: https://ossett.accordmat.org/parents-carers/uniform/


What if I’m not in the same lessons as my friends?

You will still be able to see your friends at break and lunch time. You will also have chance to make lots of new friends at secondary school.

I am worried about bullying, should I be?

No. As an academy we aim to create an atmosphere where all staff and pupils feel safe, where no individual or group feels threatened and where members of the academy community feel valued. We work hard to make sure the whole school community (pupils, staff, parents, governors and neighbours of the academy) have a shared understanding of what bullying is. We have a clear procedure for reporting, investigating and stamping out bullying. To make it clear, bullying will not be tolerated!


Do they get to choose if they do French or Spanish in Year 7?

If you have a particular preference of what language you would like your child to study in Year 7, please email enquiries@ossett.accordmat.org and this will be accommodated wherever possible.

What time does school start?

School starts at 8.30am and finishes at 2.45pm for Year 7. There are a range of extracurricular clubs and homework clubs that pupils can access from 2.45pm.


Are parents encouraged to come with their child on the first day? 

On their first day many of our new Year 7 pupils come to school by themselves or with friends. However, we also have some parents/carers who accompany their child to school. The choice is entirely yours.

Can my child wear any accessories such as jewellery/smart watches?

Other than one non-smart watch no other jewellery is permitted, this includes: bracelets, necklaces, nose studs, tongue studs, eyebrow piercings and any other body piercing is NOT allowed.


What type of shoes can pupils wear at the academy?

Black, plain, low-heeled, sensible shoes without embellishments or decorations. Boots, trainers, pumps, ballet pumps, open- toed shoes, sandals, very small stiletto-type heels, platform soles or backless shoes are not permitted.

How are pupils grouped?

Pupils are grouped in mixed ability groups for most of their subjects. When pupils are grouped on ability this will be decided on SATs results and information provided from primary schools.


Can pupils have mobiles at the academy? 

Pupils can bring mobile phones to secondary school, but these must always be turned off and out of sight (in your child’s blazer or school bag) until your child leaves school at the end of the day. Mobiles should not be seen or heard throughout the academy day.

How does the consequence system work? 

A warning can be given for disruption to learning of any kind and poor engagement with learning.

·        C1 – Verbal warning, recorded by the teacher on the board

·        C2 – 2nd warning recorded by the teacher on the board

·        C3 – 3rd and final warning recorded by the teacher on the board and on Bromcom. The pupil is moved within the classroom (where possible/ appropriate)

·        C4– Sent to a ‘shadow’ room for the remainder of the lesson with a blue C4 detention sticker issued by the teacher and logged on Bromcom

·        C5 – Failure to meet expectations at C4, sent to C5 for the remainder of the lesson and issued with a full day in ‘Reflections’ being logged on Bromcom


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